
dbfUtilities™ are a brand new set of applications that bring additional functionality when working with .dbf files. The original makers of the famed dBASE™ product line create these new utilities to make working with .dbf files as easy as possible


dbfCompare™ is the latest utility from dBase, LLC that changes the way you work with .dbf files. This seemingly simple utility does a lot of work out of the box and can save hours of time and energy figuring out differences between tables.

dbfExport 3

What makes dbfExport™ 3 better than the prior version? The process can be done in 5 simple steps…

  1. Select either a BDE Alias or a specific .dbf file on your hard drive.
  2. New Index based export functionality added
  3. Choose your output format:
    • NEW: JSON support – now ISO8061 compliant
    • CSV support – Enhanced
    • HTML support – Enhanced
    • Microsoft Excel® 2003 and below – Enhanced
    • Microsoft Excel 2007 and above – Enhanced
    • XML support – Enhanced
  4. Choose enhanced options for each of the supported export types.
  5. Press the Export button to begin the export.

dbfImport 2

It really is as simple as 1, 2, and 3! dbfImport™ 2 makes it so simple to import the contents of a CSV, XML, or a Microsoft® Excel file into a .dbf database. Pick your file, name your database (.dbf) and press the build button and it is done in no time.


The new dbfInspect™ works with tables from dBASE™ IV all the way through the latest dBASE™ version, dBASE® 2019. This unique utility can read, modify, insert, delete, pack, and print using any of your tables. It has two advanced search systems built-in, one for simple searches and the other for more in-depth searches,. It even lets you search memo fields for information.